Green Triangle Forest (Limestone Coast)

About the Green Triangle Forest

Our Green Triangle Forest is located on Boandik Country, in the Limestone Coast.

ForestrySA manages more than 12,500ha of Native Forest in this region and also facilitates public access to plantations leased to OneFortyOne.

These forests have long been popular for their biodiversity and abundance of natural features, such as native flowers, plants and wildlife, wetlands, limestone caves and sinkholes and provide many opportunities for recreation access. 

More than 50 Native Forest Reserves are found scattered among pine plantation throughout the region and are managed for conservation with special protection.  Several key visitor sites facilitate accesto picturesque sites via trails, with activities including bushwalking, bird watching and low impact cycling welcome. 

All areas are open to the public during daylight hours. However, in the interest of environmental protection, tracks are closed to vehicles and motorbikes, horses are not permitted, and pet access is restricted in Native Forest Reserves.

Our Green Triangle Forests are also home to the famous after dark experience Ghost Mushroom Lane, visited by 20,000 annually.

View a Green Triangle Native Forest Reserve map

How to get there

Our Green Triangle Forests are located in South Australia’s Limestone Coast, 450km from Adelaide, near the city of Mount Gambier. 

Contact us

To find out more, please send us an email


The forest is closed to the public on declared Total Fire Ban days. To report a fire, call 000.

For fire ban information phone 1800 362 361 or visit the CFS website. Being aware of a Total Fire Ban is your responsibility.

Fire is prohibited on ForestrySA land between November 1 and April 30 in any year. (These dates may be extended in areas where high fire danger persists).

Ghost Mushroom Lane - CLOSED

An after dark adventure available during May and June annually

The Ghost Mushroom Lane seasonal visitor site is open during May and June annually.

A luminous mushroom can be found growing in Limestone Coast pine forest during May and June and ForestrySA is pleased to offer you the chance to experience the brilliant glow first hand!

Click here to purchase your Access Pass or guided tour and take part in this unique annual forest experience, just a short drive from Mount Gambier.

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