Mount Crawford Forest

About Mount Crawford Forest

Mount Crawford Forest is located on Kaurna and Peramangk Country, extending from our Forest Information Centre near Williamstown, to Pewsey Vale in the Southern Barossa and all the way to Cudlee Creek.

The forest covers 12,367ha and is managed for sustainable wood production, while also providing for the conservation of native flora and fauna and community use for recreation and events. It is also home to South Australia’s premier biking destination, Fox Creek Bike Park.

Land was first purchased for forestry at Mount Crawford in 1909, with commercial plantings beginning in 1914 and continuing to expand until the 1960s. Many of the original plantations have since been clear felled and replanted.

Mount Crawford Forest also contains 4,440 hectares of native vegetation protected for conservation. This includes eight gazetted Native Forest Reserves covering 3,600ha. These Native Forest Reserves and conservation zones are of high conservation value, containing a rich variety of trees, shrubs and ground cover species which provide significant habitat for native birds, reptiles and mammals.

Mount Crawford’s proximity to Adelaide, just an hour’s drive from the city, also makes it a popular place to visit. Every year, thousands of visitors come to camp and enjoy hut-style accommodation, bushwalk, horse ride, fossick, mountain bike and take part in a host of organised community events!

How to get there

Mount Crawford Forest is situated in the northern Mount Lofty Ranges, one hour’s drive from Adelaide, about seven kilometres from Williamstown. From Adelaide you can take the North East Road to Gumeracha, then turn off to Williamstown.

Contact us at Mount Crawford

Mount Crawford Forest Office
745 Warren Road
WILLIAMSTOWN South Australia

Telephone: (08) 8391 8800
From 9am – 4pm, Monday to Friday

Information centre: Open from 10am – 12pm, Friday to Sunday (subject to ranger availability)

For inquiries outside these hours, please send us an email.



The forest is closed to the public on declared Total Fire Ban days. To report a fire, call 000.

For fire ban information phone 1800 362 361 or visit the CFS website. Being aware of a Total Fire Ban is your responsibility.

Fire is prohibited on ForestrySA land between November 1 and April 30 in any year. (These dates may be extended in areas where high fire danger persists).

Fox Creek Bike Park

Fox Creek Bike Park is located within our Cudlee Creek, Mount Crawford, and is free and open to riders of all ages and abilities!

Just under an hour’s drive from Adelaide Airport, it’s a haven of trails, tabletops, berms, step-ups, hips and so much more.

The park is spread across more than 800ha, featuring 50km of single track trails and 560 metres of vertical elevation.

Fox Creek Bike Park is open from dusk to dawn, year round, and closed on days of Total Fire Ban or for forest operations.

Visit Fox Creek Bike Park