About us

South Australia’s home grown plantation and community forest manager

The South Australian Forestry Corporation was established on 1 January 2001 under the South Australian Forestry Corporation Act 2000. Trading as ForestrySA, the business is subject to the provisions of the Public Corporations Act 1993.

Legislation administered by ForestrySA includes the Forestry Act 1950  (including the Forestry Regulations 2013) and the South Australian Forestry Corporation Act 2000.

ForestrySA’s responsibilities as a commercial and recreational forest manager are set out in the South Australian Forestry Corporation Charter. This document details the South Australian Government’s priorities and requirements of the business.

ForestrySA’s sustainable forest management program involves the management of 10,500ha of plantation pine in the Mount Lofty Ranges.

As a plantation manager, ForestrySA’s focus is the production of log which our customers convert into a range of structural and non-structural timber products.

Most timber is sold to regional domestic markets, with some exported according to quality and demand.

ForestrySA is also responsible for more than 16,000ha of native forest located within South Australia’s Mount Lofty Ranges and Limestone Coast (Green Triangle) regions.

These forests are managed and protected for conservation purposes.

All plantation and native forest areas under ForestrySA management are widely used and valued by the community for recreation.

ForestrySA is committed to responsible environmental management of plantation and native forests. Its Forest Management System is certified to the internationally recognised Australian Forestry Standard for Sustainable Forest Management (AS 4708), administered by Responsible Wood. The Mount Lofty Ranges and Green Triangle forests are certified to this standard.