National Forestry Day 2022

1 September 2022 | Media Release

A special pine seedling was planted at Kuitpo Forest Reserve on 30 August 2022, in celebration of National Forestry Day and to mark the contribution of South Australia’s thriving forestry industry.

National Forestry Day is an initiative of the Australian Forest Products Association and state-based advocacy groups. The day is designated as an opportunity to raise awareness of the great work being done by the forestry industry and its many employees across the country.

18,000 South Australians are employed in the forestry sector, supplying 35% of the nation’s housing timber and making significant contribution to our local economy, community and environment.

Minister for Forest Industries Clare Scriven met with ForestrySA staff on National Forestry Day and planted a commemorative pine seedling expected to reach its full potential in some 30 years’ time.